Overland Explorer Vehicles (OEV™)

(a division of LITE Industries Inc.)

Product Cancellation Policy

Overland Explorer Vehicles (OEV™) does its best to maintain on time manufacturing for our Dealers, and Customers.  As a result, a great deal of effort and associated costs are required to ensure OEV™ meets its obligations to maintain delivery targets.
Below, the OEV™ Product Cancellation Policy has been broken down into three parts – A, B and C.

The Part A Product Cancellation Policy applies to:

  • The Aluma Tray
  • The Aluma Tray Optional Accessories
  • Removable Campers (Cross Country, Back Country, Alpine, Hudson Bay and High Country)
  • Optional OEV™ Manufactured Accessories

Cancellation of any orders submitted to OEV™ by an OEV™ Dealer or Customer must be received within 5 business days of the date the order was originally received.  The cancellation must also be submitted in writing to our sales department within the same 5-day period afore-mentioned.

Any deposit(s) that were made prior to the cancellation will be refunded minus an admin fee of $150.00 USD along with any wire transfer fees that are accrued by OEV™ to process the refund back to the Dealer or Customer.  This is based on a per item/product basis.
Please be aware that each of the OEV™ Dealers has their own cancellation policies in place, this policy remains in place regardless of what they have in play.

The Part B Product Cancellation Policy applies to:

  • All OEV™ Fix Mounted Campers/Cabins:
    • Hudson Bay
    • High Country
    • Base Camp
    • Summit

Cancellation of any orders submitted to OEV™ by an OEV™ Dealer or Customer must be received within 10 business days of the date the order was originally received.  The cancellation must also be submitted in writing to our sales department within the same 10-day period afore-mentioned.

The initial $2,500.00 deposit that was made to secure a production slot/space prior to the cancellation is non-refundable but can be applied to any product that OEV™ offers.  Should the customer change their mind on which model they want to go with this initial deposit may be transferred to another OEV™ model/build.

Please be aware that after the First Draw to kick off the build process has been requested and made the build of the model selected cannot be cancelled.

The Part C Product Cancellation Policy applies to:

  • Any or all products manufactured by others that are distributed by OEV™

Cancellation of any orders submitted to OEV™ by an OEV™ Dealer or Customer must be received within 24 hours of the date the order was originally received.  The cancellation must also be submitted in writing to our sales department within the same 24-hour period afore-mentioned.

If the product was ordered and shipped prior to the cancellation being received be aware that all non-OEV™ manufactured parts have varying cancellation policies as per the manufacturer, as such, a restock fee may apply as high as 30%, plus return freight costs back to the supplier.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with our Product Cancellation Policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our sales department for further assistance.

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