Customer Resource Center

Manuals, Instructions
and Product Warranty

Propane Regulator Adjustment
Bamboo Countertop Care
Truma Aqua Go Start Up Tips
Acrylic Window Care

Please read the following information about our soft walls and then click the link below for detailed product information.

Exterior Care:
  • If the soft wall exterior is dusty, rinse it gently using a hose with a shower setting.
  • Once it’s completely dry, apply a light, even coating of Top Gun Aqua Tite Green repellent to the fabric areas. Ensure you are in a well-ventilated area during this process.
  • Allow the fabric to dry thoroughly before closing the roof.
Interior Care:
  • The interior canvas is pre-coated for easy cleaning.
  • Wipe it down using a mild dish soap mixed with warm water.
  • Make sure it dries completely before closing the roof.

Yearly Soft Wall Maintenance Instructions

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